Jan 18, 2014

Lying, pointing, brushing, combing, walking, standing, holding ft Disney's Tangled

Rapunzel. Enredados.

La reina tiene a su beba en brazos, el rey la está mirando. Rapunzel está cepillando su pelo, su cabellos. Pascal está parado sobre su falda y peina el pelo de Rapunzel. Rapunzel camina, Pascal está sobre su hombro. Rapunzel apunta con un pincel como si fuera una espada. Rapunzel está acostada boca abajo en el césped.
The queen is holding the baby in her arms, the king is looking at the baby, Rapunzel is brushing her hair, Pascal is standing on her lap and combing Rapunzel's hair, Rapunzel is walking, Pascal is standing on her shoulder, Rapunzel is pointing her paintbrush forward (as if it was a blade), Rapunzel is lying face down on the grass.