May 26, 2017

Circus Charlie arcade videogame icons - NES roms

Circus Charlie arcade videogame icons

Circus Charlie (Japan).zip - for NES emulator

Circus Charlie icon
Original size (48 x 48 px)
uncompress the rom and make a shortcut to "Circus Charlie (Japan).nes"

Other icons from the same rom

Elephant behid the scenes (original size 48 x 48 px)
Little clown on the rope (original size 48 x 48 px)
As an acrobat (original size 48 x 48 px)
Monkey on the rope (original size 48 x 48 px)

Light blue monkey jumping on the rope (original size 48 x 48 px)
On the jumping lion (original size 48 x 48 px)
Little clown on a white horse - not exactly riding it (original size 48 x 48 px)